Gift of Real Estate

Gift of Real Estate

Gift of Real Estate

When you make a gift of real estate, you donate your personal property to United Way Hastings & Prince Edward now and continue to use it for the rest of your life. You also receive an immediate tax benefit.

Benefits of a legacy gift of real estate:

  • You continue to use the property for life.
  • You receive a charitable tax receipt for the net present value of the property when the gift is made.
  • These gifts are not included in probate and provide privacy, as they are not part of your will.

If all or the majority of your estate is intended for charity, then a gift of residual interest is a way to ensure you maximize the use of your charitable tax receipts.

At the end of the term of the agreement, typically upon death, United Way HPE will either sell the property or add it to its assets, depending on your agreed upon wishes.


It is always advised to consult your own financial advisor regarding your legacy giving plans.

To further discuss your options, please contact:

Brandi Hodge, Executive Director or

Jennifer Smith, Director Community

phone : 613-962-9531